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"Aleksandar Miltenović"
A. Miltenović, M. Tica, M. Banić, Đ. Miltenović, PREDICTION OF TEMPERATURE DISTRIBUTION IN THE WORM GEAR MESHING, FACTA UNIVERSITATIS Series: Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 329 - 339, May, 2020 -
Thermal Stability of Crossed Helical Gears with Wheel made from Sintered Steel (2012-07)
A. Miltenović, S. Kuzmanović, V. Miltenović, M. Tica, M. Rackov, Thermal Stability of Crossed Helical Gears with Wheel made from Sintered Steel, THERMAL SCIENCE, Vol. 16, pp. 541 - 553, Jul, 2012 -
Pitting of Teeth Flanks of Crossed Helical Gears Made from Sintered Steel (2014)
Đ. Miltenović, M. Tica, A. Miltenović, M. Banić, S. Živković, Ž. Mišković, Pitting of Teeth Flanks of Crossed Helical Gears Made from Sintered Steel, TRANSACTIONS OF FAMENA, pp. 77 - 88, 2014 -
Load Capacity оf Worm Gears with Compact Design (2016)
Đ. Miltenović, M. Tica, A. Miltenović, M. Banić, Load Capacity оf Worm Gears with Compact Design, Annals of Faculty Engineering Hunedoara - International Journal of Engineering, Vol. XIV, No. 1, pp. 79 - 84, 2016 -
Permissibile temperatures and thermal stability of worm gears (2017)
M. Tica, Đ. Miltenović, M. Banić, A. Miltenović, Permissibile temperatures and thermal stability of worm gears, ANNALS OF FACULTY ENGINEERING HUNEDOARA – International Journal Of Engineering, Vol. XV, No. 3, pp. 61 - 66, 2017 -
Selection of optimal concept solution for preventing wrong fuel using in cars (2017)
M. Tica, M. Rackov, Đ. Miltenović, A. Miltenović, M. Banić, Selection of optimal concept solution for preventing wrong fuel using in cars, Machine Design, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 117 - 122, 2017 -
Car safety – ignition risk due to wrong fuel using (2015)
M. Tica, M. Rackov, Đ. Miltenović, A. Miltenović, M. Banić, Car safety – ignition risk due to wrong fuel using, pp. 244 - 250, 2015 -
Power Losses and Efficiency of Worm Gears in Extreme Operating Conditions (2016)
Đ. Miltenović, M. Banić, A. Miltenović, M. Tica, Power Losses and Efficiency of Worm Gears in Extreme Operating Conditions, pp. 169 - 176, 2016 -
Concept solution of the safety system for avoiding wrong fuel using in cars and prevention of damage (2017)
M. Tica, M. Rackov, Đ. Miltenović, A. Miltenović, M. Banić, Concept solution of the safety system for avoiding wrong fuel using in cars and prevention of damage, pp. 175 - 180, 2017 -
Analysis of load carryng capacity of worm gears from the aspect of engineering practice (2017)
Đ. Miltenović, M. Tica, A. Miltenović, M. Banić, Analysis of load carryng capacity of worm gears from the aspect of engineering practice, pp. 611 - 617, 2017 -
M. Tica, N. Radulovic, M. Banić, A. Miltenović, M. Rackov, DESIGN SOLUTION AND CALCULATION OF IMPORTANT ELEMENTS OF HAND DRILL AND ANGLE GRINDER TABLE STAND, Machine Design, Vol. 11, No. 2, Sep, 2019 -
Procedure for the Selection of Rubber Compound in Rubber-Metal Springs for Vibration Isolation (2020-08)
M. Banić, D. Stamenković, A. Miltenović, D. Jovanović, M. Tica, Procedure for the Selection of Rubber Compound in Rubber-Metal Springs for Vibration Isolation, Polymers, Vol. 1773, No. 12, Aug, 2020 -
INOVACIJE I PATENTI - teorija rješavanja pronalazačkih zadataka (2015)
M. Tica, R. Mitrović, A. Miltenović, Ž. Mišković, M. Banić, INOVACIJE I PATENTI - teorija rješavanja pronalazačkih zadataka, Univerzitet u Banjoj Luci - Mašinski fakultet, 2015 -
Product Design Case Stady: Conceptual Solution Log Splitter (2015)
M. Tica, S. Čapljak, A. Miltenović, M. Banić, Product Design Case Stady: Conceptual Solution Log Splitter, pp. 125 - 130, 2015